HeadsUp Neuropsychology provides compassionate, evidence-driven treatment to enhance your health, performance and quality of life.
Dr. Joni Howard is a clinical psychologist specialising in concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, ADHD, anxiety, dementia and other cognitive or mental health concerns.
Dr. Joni Howard at HeadsUp clinic provides neuropsychological assessment and mental health services in Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay.
Dr. Joni Howard from HeadsUp Clinic is a registered clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist. She works primarily with older adolescents and adults (ages 16+) to provide compassionate, clinically sound, and data-driven assessment to answer your questions about diagnosis and intervention in order to set you on a path to better functioning.
Dr. Joni T. Howard
Registered Clinical Psychologist
Registered Clinical Neuropsychologist
Areas of practice
Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Whether sustained through sport or accident, the majority of individuals with concussion will recover quickly. In cases when symptoms do not resolve, our clinic can provide evaluation and both acute and longer-term recovery support in order to help individuals return to their baseline functioning.
ADHD can cause pervasive difficulties for children and adults in academic and occupational functioning, as well as in social relationships. While ADHD cannot be “cured”, through the process of evaluation, intervention, and support, quality of life can be greatly improved.
Dementia and Memory Concerns
Cognitive changes are a normal part of the ageing process, however determining what’s “normal” can be difficult. Neuropsychological testing can determine if there are memory or other cognitive problems which deviate from normal and can provide a baseline to track possible decline over time.
Other Cognitive or Developmental Concerns
A variety of medical and developmental conditions are accompanied by cognitive difficulties. Comprehensive assessment can provide a framework for intervention and tracking growth or decline over time.